Jason D. Wittman Reads on Wed Nov 16th @ DreamHaven Books and Comics
Nov 16 @ 18:30 – 19:45
Jason D. Wittman Reads on Wed Nov 16th @ DreamHaven Books and Comics | Minneapolis | Minnesota | United States

Please join us

Wednesday, November 16th, 2016 at 6:30 PM

for a reading with

Jason D. Wittman.

Bibliography from his SFFnet page:

“Femme Fatale” in the e-zine Baen’s Universe.

Aftergame in the e-zine Aberrant Dreams.

On Bookstores, Burners, and Origami, my first major publication, found on SCIFI.COM.

The Artist, my first paid publication, a 100-word story found on

“Flame of Intellect”, in Issue #1 of The Drabbler, published by Sam’s Dot Publishing.

Todd Thyberg and The Miskatonic Papers
Sep 18 @ 18:30 – 19:45
Todd Thyberg and The Miskatonic Papers

Todd Thyberg runs Angel Bomb, a design and letterpress shop in NE Minneapolis. He makes letterpress books that are in the collections of over thirty universities and museums nationwide and will be at Dreamhaven to discuss his fourth and most ambitious book project to date. His latest book, The Miskatonic Papers, is an ode to H. P. Lovecraft and his Cthulhu mythos and limited to only 200 copies. He’ll be talking about the experiential nature of this book, the written language he created for it, his inspiration from Lovecraft and why he wove the historic Tunguska Event of 1908 into his fictional story.

Information on the work in progress can be found at Angel Bomb and Instagram


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