Feet of Clay


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Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett

Trade Paperback – Harper Paperbacks – July 2024 – 368 pages

For Commander Sam Vimes, Head of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch, life consists of trouble . . . and more trouble: a werewolf with pre-lunar tension, a dwarf with attitude, a golem who’s begun to think for itself. Now he’s got the unusual deaths of three elderly Ankh-Morporkians on his hands. It’s murder in Discworld!–which ordinarily is no big deal. The problem is, the deaths do not bear the clean, efficient marks of the Assassins’ Guild; there’s an apparent lack of motive, and there’s no trace of anything alive having been at the crime scene. What Vimes does have are some tracks of white clay and more bothersome “clue” thingies that muck up his investigations.

The anger of a fearful populace is already targeting the city’s small community of golems–those mindless, absurdly industrious creatures of baked clay, who can occasionally be found toiling in the city’s factories. And certain highly placed personages are using the unrest as an excuse to resurrect a monarchy–which would be bad enough even if their would-be “king” wasn’t as empty-headed as your typical animated pottery.

In addition to quieting the restless populace, Vimes has to find out whodunit–and howdunit too. He’s not even sure what they dun. But as soon as he knows what the questions are, he’s going to look for some answers.


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