Logical Fantasy: The Many Worlds of John Wyndham



Logical Fantasy: The Many Worlds of John Wyndham  Edited by David Dyte

Hardcover – Subterranean Press – June 2024 – 424 pages

Edition limited to 1000. Numbered.

Any revival, rediscovery, or reappraisal of the singular work of John Wyndham is cause for celebration, and Logical Fantasy: The Many Worlds of John Wyndham brings treasures aplenty to the table ― a rich sampler of the variant voices of a single writer who remains a lynchpin in the genre of the fantastic, including several which have not seen print since their original publication.

“Wyndham (1903–1969) is best remembered for the splashy movie adaptations of his works (including Village of the Damned and The Day of the Triffids), but this impressive retrospective of 18 speculative shorts demonstrates his skill working at a more intimate scale. He finds the human side of cosmic catastrophe (‘The Eternal Eve’), even when the victim is a homesick robot (‘The Lost Machine’) or a lovelorn dragon (‘Chinese Puzzle’).” – Locus


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