Satan Was A Lesbian


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Satan Was A Lesbian  by Fred Haley

Paperback – Pulp Culture Press – August 2024 – 154 pages

Satan was a Lesbian is the infamous pulp novel that launched a thousand t-shirts, and coffee mugs and posters and notecards and on and on and on. Many people have seen this cover, but few have read the book or even realized that it was a real book that was published in a simpler, more ignorant time.

Following our anti-hero Charlene, Satan was a Lesbian paints of a picture of a woman who no man could resist, until they looked into her cold, black eyes. Only one person, Cynthia — who became completely ‘turned on’ when she was thoroughly frightened–inspired something even remotely close to love in Charlene which of course led to a deadly end.

For completists and those not easily triggered.


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