The Ending Fire


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The Ending Fire by Saara El-Arifi

Hardcover – Del Rey – Sep 2024 – 488 pages

The Wardens’ Empire is falling. A vigilante known only as the Truthsayer is raising an army against the wardens. Sylah and Hassa must navigate the politics of this new world, all the while searching for Anoor.

Across the sea, the Blood Forged prepare for war, requesting aid from other governments. Jond’s role as major general sees him training soldiers for combat, but matters of the heart will prove to be the hardest battlefield.

The Zalaam celebrate the arrival of the Child of Fire, heralding the start of the final battle. Anoor’s doubts are eclipsed by the powers of her new god. Soon the Zalaam will set off on their last voyage—and few expect to return.

Do you feel it? Cresting the horizon? The darkness drawing in, the shadows elongating . . .

The Ending Fire comes.

The final book of the trilogy.


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