Signing – Larry Correia and Mike Kupari will be signing at DreamHaven Books, to benefit Uncle Hugo’s.
To quote Don Blyly, owner of Uncle Hugo’s:
“Larry Correia has a new novel coming in less than 2 months, Monster Hunter Bloodlines ($25.00), and Larry likes to launch new Monster Hunter novels with a signing at Uncle Hugo’s. He really wanted to help Uncle Hugo’s this year with a signing, but there is the problem of no building. So I worked out a deal with Greg Ketter at DreamHaven and with Larry for the signing to take place at DreamHaven so that the signing can help both stores. You can now place a mail order for the new book at
If you can make it to the signing in person, it will start at 3 pm on Saturday, July 31, at 2301 E. 38th St., about 2 miles from the old Uncle Hugo’s location. Greg will be bringing in a lot of Larry’s backlist books. Proceeds from the sale of the new hardcover will go to Uncle Hugo’s and proceeds from everything else you buy during the signing will go to DreamHaven.”
Since he sent that out, we have received word that Mike Kupari, co-author with Larry Correia on several books and author of the forthcoming book The Family Business, will be joining him for the signing. Sales of The Family Business will also go to Uncle Hugo’s.
On Thursday, September 16, from 6:30-7:45 p.m.,JASON D. WITTMAN reads from his fiction. Jason lives and works in Minneapolis. His story, “Femme Fatale,” was published in the hardcover anthology The Best of Baen Books, and his story “A Game of Knight Court” got an Honorable Mention in the 19th Year’s Best Fantasy and Horror. More recently, he has published a story in Stupefying Stories #22.
Speculations is a co-production of DreamHaven and SF MINNESOTA, a multicultural organization that also sponsors a midsummer speculative fiction convention, DIVERSICON, the 29th edition of which will occur July 23-25, 2202 with Guest of Honor T. AARON CISCO.
On Thursday, October 14 from 6:30-7:45 p.m. LOIS McMASTER BUJOLD reads from a new Penric story. The reading includes a free reception and autographing.
Lois McMaster Bujold began writing with the aim of professional publication in 1982 and wrote three novels in three years; in October of 1985, all three sold, launching her popular Vorkosigan Saga science fiction series. Her fantasy work includes The World of the Five Gods and the Sharing Knife series. More recently she has been exploring self-e-publishing with the tales of the sorcerer Penric and his demon Desdemona, and other works.
In 2020, Bujold was named a Grand Master by the Science Fiction Writers of America. A complete list of her awards may be found here: Her books have been translated into over twenty languages.
A reading-order guide to her work is here:
Bujold blogs on Goodreads at:
Speculations is a co-production of DreamHaven and SF MINNESOTA, a multicultural, multimedia speculative fiction organization that also sponsors a midsummer convention, DIVERSICON, the 29th edition of which will occur in late July 2022 with Guest of Honor TAYLOR CISCO.
Ursula Vernon is going to be in town as Guest of Honor for Minicon 57 and will be joining us here at the store the night before for a signing. For those who don’t know, Ursula Vernon (author of Hamster Princess, Digger, Dragonbreath, Castle Hangnail) also writes under the nom de plume T. Kingfisher, and as such has a new title out, What Feasts at Night. We’ll have these titles and many more available.

Join us on May 25th to help celebrate the launch of a new title from local author Lyda Morehouse! There will be reading, signing, and snacks.
Here’s the description of the new book, Welcome to
A key player in Solar System politics is the UN’s crack regiment of space marines, the ENForcers. They are as hardcore and testosterone-fuelled as military units come, and proudly all-male. They are cyborgs, all connected through a bioware network known as Lucia’s link to that network is one of many things that Del Toro thought she’d put behind her when she got out of the military and changed her life. But, with the security of the Solar System at stake, she will soon have a choice to make.
Here’s what another author you should know has to say about it: “Welcome to Boy.Net gives the reader a gripping blend of space adventure, a universe with the glitz and grime of a city’s nightlife, and heartbreakingly human characters you will root for. […] ‘The Rule of Cool’ in fiction writing is when if something’s cool, it’s in. Welcome to Boy.Net follows the Rule of Cool, then flips everything over to show you the underside, the complications, and the price. You see the place built with the Rule of Cool two decades later, as the employees try their best to keep the air from leaking out and the cold from leaking in. Lyda’s books start with cool, and then ask, who’s in charge of the repairs on this?” — Naomi Kritzer
On Thursday, June 20 from 6:30-7:45 p.m. ADAM STEMPLE reads from his work. Adam Stemple is an award-winning author, poet, and musician. Of his first novel, Singer of Souls, SFWA Grandmaster Anne McCaffrey said, “One of the best first novels I have ever read.” Of his later works, Hugo Award-winning author Naomi Kritzer said, “No one writes bastard-son-of-a-bitch characters as brilliantly as Adam Stemple.”
Speculations is a co-production of DreamHaven and SF Minnesota, a multicultural, multimedia organization that also sponsors the midsummer speculative fiction convention, Diversicon.
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